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Nuclear sites

There are six nuclear sites in Belgium : 

  • The nuclear power plant of ENGIE / Electrabel (Doel)
  • The nuclear power plant of ENGIE / Electrabel (Tihange)
  • The nuclear Research Centre (SCK CEN) and Belgoprocess (Mol-Dessel region)
  • Join Research Centre (JRC) (Geel
  • National Institute for Radio Elements (Fleurus)

In addition, there are two more nuclear power plants near our border, for which the impact of a serious accident can extend to our territory:

  • The nuclear power plant of Delta (Borssele - the Netherlands)
  • The nuclear power plant of Electricité de France (Chooz - France)

The national nuclear and radiological emergency plan focuses primarily on these sites. The French nuclear power plants in Gravelines and Cattenom are located at a greater distance from the border. As a result, Belgium is outside their emergency planning zones